Boxing fans are in for a huge treat on Saturday as superstar Canelo Alvarez is all set to lock horns against Jermell Charlo for the super middleweight titles on September 30. Considering the magnitude of the event, people are obviously curious about the payouts and want to know the salaries for Canelo Alvarez vs. Jermell Charlo.
The event, which will be held at the T-Mobile Arena in Paradise, Nevada, is expected to provide Alvarez with a huge payday. According to Sportico, his estimated earnings from the fight will come to around $50 million.
The bout is part of the 3-fight deal that the 33-year-old signed with PBC (Premier Boxing Champions) that is estimated to be around $100 million.
How much is Canelo Alvarez getting paid to fight Jermell Charlo?
Canelo Alvarez's fixed purse for fighting Charlo is predicted to be ranging from 15 to 30 million dollars. The Mexican boxer is expected to earn the rest from his share of the pay-per-view buys, broadcasting rights, merchandising, gate revenue, and advertising.
Charlo, on the other hand, is expected to take home 2 to 3 million dollars for his efforts on September 30, as per Marca.
The highly anticipated fight has got everyone's attention in the boxing. Oscar De La Hoya also chimed in on the fight and predicted Alvarez to emerge victorious in the encounter.
"So Canelo, obviously he's very flat-footed, heavy inside the ring, he literally walks like he has quicksand on his feet. But I think that if he throws those big bombs on Charlo, his arms, obviously, during the rounds his arms will come down and in the later rounds Canelo will chop him down and eventually maybe stop him."Quick Links
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