Kentucky Derby fight video goes viral

Netizens would have never expected a fight to break out at a Kentucky Derby. Sports like baseball, basketball, football and MMAs often have immensely enthusiastic fans who have gotten into concerning brawls on the stands. However, followers of the equestrian sport do not seem to involve themselves in such spats, especially not those which can

Netizens would have never expected a fight to break out at a Kentucky Derby. Sports like baseball, basketball, football and MMAs often have immensely enthusiastic fans who have gotten into concerning brawls on the stands. However, followers of the equestrian sport do not seem to involve themselves in such spats, especially not those which can lead to severe injuries. The recent Churchill Downs, Louisville, Kentucky Derby left netizens shocked as it is believed that an attendee broke his jaw and popped an eye in a violent altercation. Reacting to the same, one netizen wrote online:

Netizen reacts to viral brawl video (Image via Reddit)

A video of the Kentucky Derby fight was quick to go viral across social media platforms. One might expect the eventgoers to be on their best behavior but that was not the case. In the trending clip, one could see an unidentified man fight with a bloody eye while another man gets withheld from throwing punches. Another well dressed woman also took part in the brawl. At one point, she could be heard saying to one of the people involved in the fight- “f**k you! I f**king hate you!”

What ignited the fight remains unclear. What happened to the man involved in the fight, who sustained a bloody eye was also unknown at the time of writing this article.

A clip of the Kentucky Derby fight was uploaded to Twitter by platform user @nofones. At the time of writing this article, it had amassed nearly 200K views. Netizens were endlessly reacting to the viral clip.

“Lawd have mercy”: Netizens stunned by viral Kentucky Derby fight video

Internet users were shocked by the occurrence. Many could not believe that such a violent brawl took place at the fashionable event. Several internet users noted that despite the event being known for its impeccable style and decorum, sometimes people cannot help but lose their temper. Netizens also had hilarious reactions to the brawl. A few responses read:

As far as the Kentucky Derby race went on the day of the fight, Mage took home the 149th running on Saturday by winning at 15-1 odds. The race did not come without its own controversy as seven horses passed away just a week before the event.

The next segment of the Triple Crown that is part of the Preakness Stakes is scheduled to take place on the 20th of this month at Baltimore.

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