Greg Hardy was a talented football player, but his actions off the field landed him in some serious legal trouble. In 2014, Hardy was arrested for domestic violence against his then-girlfriend, Nicole Holder.
Holder is a North Carolina native who met the former NFL player when he began dating her roommate. While not much is known about Holder, she did attend East Carolina University in 2008. She then transferred to the University of North Carolina in 2010.
Holder graduated from UNC with a Bachelor's Degree in Management in 2016. When Nicole met the former defensive end, she was working as a server in a restaurant near Charlotte. After her roommate and Hardy broke up, Holder and the former NFL defensive end began their relationship.
70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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Holder told authorities that Hardy allegedly abused her several times throughout their relationship. She also stated that he owned multiple weapons.
While Hardy was found guilty of the charges against him in attacking Holder, he was first sentenced to a year and a half probation. A 60-day jail sentence was delayed intially. But, since Holder didn't appear in court to testify, all of the charges were dropped.
The allegations and the arrest, despite the dropped charges, still led the NFL to suspending Hardy. He was initially suspended for 10 games, but through arbitration, it was reduced to four games. Hardy later went on to have the charges removed from his record, despite the photo evidence that the crime did occur against Holder.
Since the charges were dropped and Holder failed to appear in court, there hasn't been much said about the North Carolina native as she continues to stay out of the public eye.
What has Greg Hardy been doing after his NFL career?
Greg Hardy played four seasons with the Carolina Panthers before he served his suspension on domestic violence-related allegations. After the 2014 NFL season, the team decided to part ways with the defensive end. He was then signed by the Dallas Cowboys, where he played the 2015 NFL season.
While he started the 2015 as the best defensive player on the team, his production began to decrease, and the Cowboys decided not to re-sign him. He hasn't played in the NFL since.
In 2016, Greg Hardy announced that he was beginning a career in mixed martial arts (MMA). He competed in MMA for several years before making the change to the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship).
Greg Hardy competed in UFC through the 2022 calendar year, but after his contract expired, he wasn't signed again. Earlier this year, Hardy faced a loss in his BKFC debut against Josh Watson.
Just last week, the 34-year-old posted a video of himself on Instagram, saying that he now works for Walmart, which NFL fans find completely baffling after playing football and his MMA and UFC experience.
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